Generate Person Data

In this notebook we generate a csv file with person data for all entities in the considered language editions. This includes asking Wikidata for the gender of unknown entities.

We use the resulting dataset through all the other notebooks in this project.

By Eduardo Graells-Garrido.

In [ ]:
from __future__ import print_function, unicode_literals
import pandas as pd
import gzip
import csv
import regex as re
import json
import time
import datetime 
import requests
import os
import json
import dbpedia_config

from collections import Counter, defaultdict
from cytoolz import partition_all
from dbpedia_utils import iter_entities_from, get_date

In [ ]:
data_folder = dbpedia_config.DATA_FOLDER
target_folder = dbpedia_config.TARGET_FOLDER
your_email = dbpedia_config.YOUR_EMAIL
query_wikidata = dbpedia_config.QUERY_WIKIDATA_GENDER
languages = dbpedia_config.LANGUAGES

We need to know the children classes of Person in the DBpedia ontology. We use rdflib and networkx to find them.

In [ ]:
import bz2file
import networkx as nx
import rdflib.graph as rdf

In [ ]:
with open('{0}/dbpedia.owl'.format(data_folder), 'r') as f:
    ontology = rdf.Graph().parse(f)

In [ ]:
ontology_graph = nx.DiGraph()

In [ ]:
for s, p, o in ontology:
    src = str(s)
    attr = str(p)
    dst = str(o)
    #print(s, p, o)

    if attr == '':
        ontology_graph.add_edge(dst, src)

In [ ]:

In [ ]:
person_classes = set(nx.neighbors(ontology_graph, ''))

In [ ]:

There are a variety of classes in the ontology, but we do not need as much detail. We build a dictionary to obtain the first child of the Person class that matches each entity.

In [ ]:
class_parents = {}
for level_1 in person_classes:
    for descendant in nx.descendants(ontology_graph, level_1):
        class_parents[descendant] = level_1
    class_parents[level_1] = level_1
# to avoid querying another dictionary/set
class_parents[''] = ''

In Wikidata, these are the identifiers for the different gender values. This is also the API URL and the headers we send when querying for entity genders.

In [ ]:
value_dict = {6581097: 'male', 6581072: 'female', 1052281: 'transgender female', 2449503: 'transgender male'}

wikidata_api_url = '{0}&format=json&props=claims'
headers = {'user-agent': 'gender-research-crawler/0.0.1 (contact: {0})'.format(your_email)}

Recall that we have two extra sources of gender information. Here we use them to query for gender of specific biographies.

In [ ]:
gender_by_dbpedia_uri = defaultdict(lambda: None)
for ent in iter_entities_from('{0}/wiki.genders.txt'.format(data_folder)):
    gender_by_dbpedia_uri[ent['resource']] = ent['gender'].pop()

In [ ]:
for ent in iter_entities_from('{0}/genders_en.nt.bz2'.format(data_folder)):
    if ent['resource'] not in gender_by_dbpedia_uri:
        gender_by_dbpedia_uri[ent['resource']] = ent['gender'].pop()

If this notebook has been run multiple times, we cache the Wikidata genders in order to avoid querying the system too much.

In [ ]:
wikidata_gender = defaultdict(lambda: None)

if os.path.exists('{0}/wikidata_entity_gender.json'.format(target_folder)):
    with open('{0}/wikidata_entity_gender.json'.format(target_folder), 'r') as f:

In [ ]:
# to avoid multiple queries of the same entity
no_gender_available = set()

In [ ]:
def get_entity_gender(req_json, entity_id):
    Given a JSON structure from Wikidata, get the gender of the specified entity.
        ent_value = req_json['entities'][entity_id]['claims']['P21'][0]['mainsnak']['datavalue']['value']['numeric-id']
        return value_dict[ent_value]
    except KeyError:
        return None

The DBpedia data includes the relationships between editions of each article. This function decides whether such links are from a different language edition, or Wikidata.

In [ ]:
dbpedia_url = re.compile(r'http://(.+)\*+')
wikidata_url = re.compile(r'|')

discarded_editions = {'simple', 'commons', 'wikidata'}

def get_edition(url):
    edition = None
    wikidata_id = None
    if url.startswith(''):
        edition = 'en'
        dbp_prefix = dbpedia_url.match(url)
        if dbp_prefix:
            prefix = dbp_prefix.groups()[0]

            if prefix not in discarded_editions:
                edition = prefix

            wikidata = wikidata_url.match(url)
            if wikidata:
                if wikidata.groups()[0]:
                    wikidata_id = wikidata.groups()[0]
                    wikidata_id = wikidata.groups()[1]

    return edition, wikidata_id


This is the function that creates a CSV file containing biographical meta-data.

In [ ]:
def generate_person_data(language, query_wikidata=True, skip_labels=False, skip_countries=False, include_without_gender=False):
    Creates a csv file with person data from the specified language edition. 
    If query_wikidata is true, entities not found in our gender dictionaries will be queried in Wikidata.
    # indexed by URI
    person_uris = {}
    person_ontologies = {}
    person_birth = defaultdict(lambda: None)
    person_birth_place = defaultdict(lambda: None)
    person_death = defaultdict(lambda: None)
    person_death_place = defaultdict(lambda: None)
    person_gender = defaultdict(lambda: None)
    person_editions = defaultdict(lambda: list([language]))
    person_labels = defaultdict(lambda: None)
    person_alternate_uri = defaultdict(lambda: None)
    country_dict = defaultdict(lambda: None)
    countries = set()

    if not skip_countries:
            print('{0}/countries_{1}.json.gz'.format(target_folder, language))
            with'{0}/countries_{1}.json.gz'.format(target_folder, language), 'rt') as f:
            print('# toponyms', len(country_dict))
        except Exception as err:
            print('error loading countries', err)
            skip_countries = True

        def get_country(toponyms):
            for t in toponyms:
                if t in countries:
                    return t
                if t in country_dict:
                    return country_dict[t]
            return None
    instance_types = '{1}/instance_types_{0}.ttl.bz2'.format(language, data_folder)
    interlanguage_links = '{1}/interlanguage_links_{0}.ttl.bz2'.format(language, data_folder)
    labels = '{1}/labels_{0}.ttl.bz2'.format(language, data_folder)
    object_properties = '{1}/mappingbased_objects_{0}.ttl.bz2'.format(language, data_folder)
    literal_properties = '{1}/mappingbased_literals_{0}.ttl.bz2'.format(language, data_folder)
    for i, ent in enumerate(iter_entities_from(instance_types)):
        ent_class = ent['22-rdf-syntax-ns#type'].pop()
        if ent_class in class_parents:
            person_uris[ent['resource']] = class_parents[ent_class]
    print('# persons', len(person_uris))
    entity_wikidata = defaultdict(lambda: None)
    entity_uri = defaultdict(lambda: None)
    without_gender = []

    for i, ent in enumerate(iter_entities_from(literal_properties)):
        resource = ent['resource']

        if resource not in person_uris:
        if 'birthDate' in ent:
            birth_year = get_date(ent, 'birthDate')
            if birth_year is not None:
                person_birth[resource] = birth_year.year
        if 'deathDate' in ent:
            death_year = get_date(ent, 'deathDate')
            if death_year is not None:
                person_death[resource] = death_year.year
    if not skip_countries:
        for i, ent in enumerate(iter_entities_from(object_properties)):
            resource = ent['resource']

            if resource not in person_uris:

            if 'birthPlace' in ent:
                place = get_country(ent['birthPlace'])
                if place is not None:
                    person_birth_place[resource] = place

            if 'deathPlace' in ent:
                place = get_country(ent['deathPlace'])
                if place is not None:
                    person_death_place[resource] = place
    if not skip_labels:
        for i, ent in enumerate(iter_entities_from(labels)):
            resource = ent['resource']

            if not resource in person_uris:
            if ent['rdf-schema#label']:
                person_labels[resource] = ent['rdf-schema#label'].pop()
    for i, ent in enumerate(iter_entities_from(interlanguage_links)):
        resource = ent['resource']

        if resource not in person_uris:

        this_entity_editions = set()
        this_entity_wikidata = None
        alt_url = None
        for url in ent['owl#sameAs']:
            edition, wikidata_id = get_edition(url)
            if edition is not None:
                if edition == 'en':
                    alt_url = url
            elif wikidata_id != None:
                this_entity_wikidata = wikidata_id
        if alt_url is None:
            alt_url = ent['owl#sameAs'].pop()
        person_alternate_uri[resource] = alt_url                
        if this_entity_wikidata:
            entity_wikidata[resource] = this_entity_wikidata
            entity_uri[this_entity_wikidata] = resource

    for ent_uri, ent_id in entity_wikidata.items():
        if ent_uri in person_gender:
        # do we know the URI?
        if ent_uri in gender_by_dbpedia_uri:
            person_gender[ent_uri] = gender_by_dbpedia_uri[ent_uri]
        # perhaps using same as...
        if person_alternate_uri[ent_uri] is not None:
            alt_uri = person_alternate_uri[ent_uri]
            if alt_uri in gender_by_dbpedia_uri:
                person_gender[ent_uri] = gender_by_dbpedia_uri[alt_uri]
        # have we seen it on wikidata?
        if ent_id in wikidata_gender:
            person_gender[ent_uri] = wikidata_gender[ent_id]
        elif ent_id not in no_gender_available:

    print('without gender', len(without_gender))

    if query_wikidata:
        for ids in partition_all(50, without_gender):
                req = requests.get(wikidata_api_url.format(u'|'.join(ids)), headers=headers)
                req_json = req.json()
            except Exception as ex:
            for i, ent_id in enumerate(ids):
                ent_gender = get_entity_gender(req_json, ent_id)
                if ent_gender is None:
                    person_gender[entity_uri[ent_id]] = ent_gender
                    wikidata_gender[ent_id] = ent_gender

    stats = dict(Counter(person_gender.values()))
    stats['total_biographies'] = len(person_uris)
    stats['language'] = language
    stats['wikidata_entities'] = len(entity_wikidata)
    stats['with_gender'] = len(person_gender)

    with open('{1}/person_stats_{0}.json'.format(language, target_folder), 'w') as f:
        json.dump(stats, f)


    with'{1}/person_data_{0}.csv.gz'.format(language, target_folder), 'wt') as f:
        fields = ['uri', 'wikidata_entity', 'class', 'gender', 'edition_count', 'available_english', 'available_editions',
                  'birth_year', 'death_year', 'birth_place', 'death_place', 'same_as', 'label']
        writer = csv.DictWriter(f, fieldnames=fields)

        for resource in person_uris.keys():
            ent_gender = person_gender[resource]
            if ent_gender is None and not include_without_gender:

                    'wikidata_entity': entity_wikidata[resource],
                    'uri': resource,
                    'label': person_labels[resource] if person_labels[resource] else None,
                    'gender': ent_gender,
                    'available_english': 'en' in person_editions[resource],
                    'edition_count': len(person_editions[resource]),
                    'available_editions': u'|'.join(person_editions[resource]),
                    'birth_year': person_birth[resource],
                    'death_year': person_death[resource],
                    'birth_place': person_birth_place[resource],
                    'death_place': person_death_place[resource],
                    'class': person_uris[resource],
                    'same_as': person_alternate_uri[resource] if person_alternate_uri[resource] else None
    return stats

In [ ]:

In [ ]:
records = []
for lang in languages:
    records.append(generate_person_data(lang, query_wikidata=query_wikidata))

In [ ]:

We save this to be able to reuse this data in the future.

In [ ]:
with open('{0}/wikidata_entity_gender.json'.format(target_folder), 'w') as f:
    json.dump(dict(wikidata_gender), f)

In [ ]: